26 Things I Learned at 26 Pt. 2

2 min readMar 9, 2023

14. At this age, you don’t have to figure it all out. Know that life throws jabs at you in any direction, without warning. Be alert.

15. Moving out of your hometown is the best decision you will ever make. This creates space to be truly on your own before marriage.

16. Have a budget, and stick to it.

17. Confidence comes from self-trust. Self-trust comes from making decisions. There are no perfect decisions, so stop wasting time being indecisive. Being responsible for your own decisions builds self-trust, thus building confidence.

18. Have a goal. Break down your goals into achievable goals. Have a plan to achieve these goals. Being a hot mess isn’t attractive. You are an adult in the real world, not a heroine in a chick-flick movie.

19. Develop boundaries.

20. Listen to your guts. Learn how to tell if a a person is a no or go for you within a fraction of seconds the first time you meet them. You can tell. It’s your gut telling this, listen to it.

21. It’s okay to be the villain in someone else’s story sometimes. Be more wary of the people who are always the victim or hero in the story.

22. Be self-aware.

23. Avoid gossiping and gossipers. One’s insecurity is revealed through the things that they talk about or look for in other people.

24. Have a clear distinction of what really matters in your life. The 5–5 Rule.

25. Be a critical thinker.

26. Learn from other’s mistake, so you don’t necessarily have to learn the hard way.




this blog is a space for my hanash, social critiques, movie/tv show opinions, and pursuing a sustainable lifestyle